Animals are like us, they enjoy Jazz! #animalsarelikeus #weareanimals More on my "Animals" playlist: play_circle_filled YouTube 2015-09-30
Talented juggler bear caught on video #weareanimals #animalsarelikeus More on my "Animals" playlist: play_circle_filled YouTube 2015-09-08
All the animal kingdom have, as humans do, a few specimens that are the thinkers, the artists, the fearless, the talkative, etc This raven is obviously one precious being like that. Thank you Merlyn Williams for having shared that with us! #animals are #clever play_circle_filled YouTube 2015-06-30
Clever bird tries to talk to a human being Thank you Merlyn Williams for sharing with us! #animals are #clever play_circle_filled YouTube 2015-06-30
#weareanimals #animalsarelikeus Find more interesting videos of animals, in my playlist: play_circle_filled YouTube 2015-05-13
"L’animal est-il une personne ? Vers la nouvelle controverse de Valladolid."#conférence ce jeudi 29 janvier 2015 à 20:30 au Centre Culturel Lacordaire à #Montpellier=> description 2015-01-27
#weareanimals because, look, #animalsarelikeus "Honey Badger Houdini" More on my "Animals" playlist: play_circle_filled YouTube 2014-05-22
All the animals seem to enjoy playing, inventing, discovering, and loving, fearing, thinking, and everything... Just like us. Because #weareanimals More on my "Animals" playlist: play_circle_filled YouTube 2014-05-19
L'homme et l'animal... quelles différences ? "Goats Having Fun Playing on Flexible Steel Sheet" play_circle_filled YouTube 2014-02-18